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Export survey results to SPSS format

[You are reading the instructions on how to create an online survey, the functions have been deactivated.]

For all surveys – even those which have not been selected as free of advertisements – the export of the survey results in SPSS format is included free of charge.

You can call up the data and syntax files to be imported to SPSS with just two simple clicks.

SPSS export

Here you can call up the data and syntax files to be imported to SPSS:

Syntax data: syntax.sps

Data file: spssdata.csv

Just fully completed questionnaires:

All questionnaires which have not been deactivated are taken into account in the data files.

You can find more information here.

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The data file will be constantly regenerated with the current answers, a preliminary analysis with SPSS is possible while the survey is running. You can find the links to both files "Analyse survey" after logging into the member area.

The following procedure is recommended in order to successfully import to the SPSS software:
  • Save the data file spssdata.csv and the syntax file syntax.sps on your hard drive.
  • In the syntax data in the row /FILE = 'spssdata.csv' enter the full path for the csv file, e.g. line/FILE = 'C:SPSSspssdata.csv' and save the changes to the file.
  • Open the syntax data with the SPSS software.
  • Now call up "Everything" in the "Execute" menu.
You can find more information about SPSS here:
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