Create Online Surveys with Q-Set.itIn the past 24 hours 4211 questions
have been answered.

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Italienische Version
Design of online surveys
  • Plan your survey
  • Create a questionnaire
  • Start your survey
In the glossary you find more information about
design of online surveys.
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Online surveys for trade

Online surveys at are a very useful tool in order to create, carry out and analyse various types of market analysis quickly, easily and on your own independently. It is easy to create online surveys free of charge here at

Create online surveys free of charge at

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Your free user account includes the following:
  • As many surveys as you want
  • As many questions as you want
  • As many questionnaire pages as you want
  • For as long as you want
  • Individual background colours
  • Email import and manual entry
  • Send invitation and reminder emails (max. around 900 per hour)
  • Analysis of the survey results using filters
  • SPSS export
  • Analysis of 2,000 answers to questions worth 19 euros
  • Students: Analysis of 4,000 answers to questions worth 38 euros (please send proof to Q-Set by email, fax or post)

    Create a free user account now >


    For just 9.90 euros you can create your survey free of advertisements. This means the survey will look more professional and the pages will load faster.
    For ad-free surveys the graphical analysis is already included.

    Create charts
    Analyze surveys graphically
    Here are all our services and prices. is continually improved and developed. We always look forward to hearing your requests and suggestions for improvement.

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    Q-Set liefert die Teilnehmer zu Ihrer Umfrage ...

    Anzahl der möglichen Beantwortungen eines Fragebogens je Rechner festlegen. ...

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    Surveys, statistics and data collection for students
    Surveys for universities
    Surveys for websites
    Surveys for industry
    Surveys for trade
    Surveys for retail
    Surveys for banks
    Surveys for employees
    Surveys for homepages
    Surveys for everyone
    Create surveys
    Online survey
    Analyse SPSS Survey

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    Last updated: 21.10.2024